“Openroad gives me peace of mind” – what people are saying about Openroad

March 9, 2021

Openroad has hit a big milestone! Openroad surpassed 1,000 ratings in the App Store with an average 4.8 stars! We’re humbled and inspired every day by your responses. We love reading each and every one of them.

Your reviews give a voice to everyone who’s using the app. We love to see that Openroad gives drivers across the country peace of mind, makes them feel safer, and removes driving anxiety. From day one, our mission with Openroad has been to make roads safer for everyone. To hear that people feel safer in their daily lives because of Openroad is heartening and energizing.

In honor of our 1,000 ratings milestone, we wanted to share some of our favorite quotes from our users with you.

“Openroad gives me peace of mind.”

“Openroad gives me peace of mind when driving.”

“Just great peace of mind.”

“I’m so thankful to have this app. Thank you Openroad for bringing peace when I am driving.”

“It’s great knowing that Openroad is there if I need help while traveling.”

“Just knowing I’m covered automatically removes driving anxiety.”

“Such a relief to know that help is on the way!”

“A true lifesaver”

“After 40+ years in emergency services, Openroad has the potential of being a true lifesaver.”

“Finally an app that’s designed to save lives & offer aid & comfort to those that use it!”

“It makes me feel safer.”

“I feel safe knowing someone will be notified if something happens. Thank you Openroad!”

“It is great. I feel safe. If anything goes wrong help will be there. First vehicle I have had this on and I love it.”

“It’s a comfort knowing it’s there for me.”

“It makes me feel a lot safer.”

“It’s very comforting knowing that I have this app and you will be there if something happens.”

“The most important app”

“This could possibly be one of the most important apps on any phone.”

“One app every driver should have.”

“What a wonderful concept for those of us who do not have or can’t afford “OnStar” or similar devices.”

“I recommend Openroad to my family & friends.”

“This is a must have app for teen drivers.”

“An extra layer of protection”

“You have an extra layer of protection while driving.”

“It’s a great security blanket to have.”

We want to hear from you!

We want to hear your Openroad story. Email us your story at hi@getopenroad.app.

Rafi Finegold

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